Stapled spires

I started in on a looser version of my last piece and quickly lost control, a mess. Decided to change gears and work more methodically and keep it simple. Came up with these spires. They are 24″-36″ tall. I like the way they reach, their transparency and the way they reflect light. I will work on how to combine these and how to vary the shapes and compositions.






5 Responses

  1. Vicky
    July 25, 2012

    These are terrific! I love how they are clear but still have a spiral pattern that distorts the surface.

  2. elizabethweaver
    July 25, 2012


  3. katinahuston
    July 25, 2012

    this looks fantastic, congratulations

  4. Dana Shields
    July 26, 2012

    OMG. LOVE THESE! you’ll be in the MOMA NYC soon. Mark my words. 😉

  5. Mary Ellen Hannibal
    July 27, 2012

    These are so interesting Diane, they look personal, like they might move or talk or something, and they would have different voices. They are channeling something — hmn, very alive.